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Ella's January TBR List

January 2016!

Winter is here! Winter is the best because of the snow, warm drinks and snow days that are perfect for time to catch up on reading. But all of this CRASHED and burned this year when it did not snow! But, even so I am still keeping my hopes up for snow and snowflakes, galore!

Now without further ado lets get into my January TBR:

1. Snow Like Ashes by Sarah Raasch All of my "book twins" (or triplets because I already have a twin) on Goodreads have loved this book! So with all the great things I've heard, of course, I'm going to read it! Plus, it has the work SNOW in it, how much more wintery can this get:)

2. The Wrath And The Dawn by Renee Ahdieh This book sounds so intriguing! This book is also a retelling so I am ecstatic about the chance to read it! YEAAAHHHHH!!!

3. Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling I am in the middle of reading it (SO GOOD) for the first time (I know, how can I call myself a bookwork?) and I plan on finishing it in this wonderful month!

4. Magonia by Maria Dahvana Headley This book sounds very intriguing and creative. If you guys have read it, tell me what you thought about it in the comment section on the side:)

Last minute rambling: If I have time during January I want to read Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows but I'll have to see how long it takes to read the books listed above. Other books I want to read soon include: An Ember In The Ashes by Sabaa Tahir and The Kiss Of Deception By Mary E. Pearson

What do you guys want to read this month?

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